Untitled #151
Douglas Fir 800cm x 800cm x 800cm, 2010
Exhibition dates: 5th September-7th November , 2010, Duffel, Belgium
The exhibition Disturbed Silence, curated by Rolf Quaghebuer, brought together a number of artists and artworks that dealt with issues relating to silence and perception. The works were chosen and or commissioned with specific reference to the ongoing work within the Psychiatric Centre in Duffel.
The exhibition included work by: Orla Barry, Christian Ch'an, Leo Copers, Yves Coussement, Berlinde De Bruykere, Thierry DeCordier, Raoul De Keyser, Robert Devriendt, Anno Dijkstra, Monique Donkers, Frederic Geurts, Roni Horn, Afredo Jaar, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Wesley Meuris, Saskia Olde Wolbers, Els vanden Meersch, Bill Viola.
The installation Untitled # 151 was commissioned both as part of the exhibition and as a permanent public art piece within the grounds of the Psychiatric Centre. The work consists of a spherical structure with an opening, allowing the public to enter into the structure and enjoy/use the interior space
Interior images can be viewed here
In progress images can be viewed here