24 hour sun is a project still in the research phase. The project involves placing 8 video cameras in an outward pointing circle in order to document the sun as it traverses across the sky over a 24 hour period, at a latitude close to the north pole.
As an attempt to place the individual back at the centre of his/her universe, I have planned a video documentation of the sun over a 24 hour period. 8 video cameras, linked to 8 RAID hard disks would document the sun, in real time, as it traversed across the sky, at a latitude high enough to capture the sun over a 24 hour period, without the sun dipping below the horizon
The project would involve setting up a base from where the documentation would take place, at a latitude high enough to view the sun continuosly over a 24 hour period. Only five countries in the northern hemisphere are able to provide such a location. The USA, Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland) and Norway (Svalbard). The logistics of such a project are considerable and the budget required is also, at this stage ,prohibitive. However I have made some initial research with video footage of the sun having been obtained in the highlands of Scotland in September - analogous to the conditions found on Svalbard in June. I have also obtained a time lapse still image narative of the weather patterns on Svalbard in June. This project is ongoing.
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