An exhibition of 48 Folly maquette proposals was on show at the Netherlands Architectural Institute, Rotterdam. The exhibition ran from June until September 2006. Follydock IFCR, is a competition for artists, designers and architects. The assignment is to design an original folly in the context of the Rotterdam harbour area. One condition is to overcome the restrictions of professional practice and to stretch the boundaries of fantasy and reality. The result will be an exposition of follies, built in and around Heijplaatas part of the
Rotterdam 2007 City of Architecture. The exhibition will take place between the 26th May and the 2nd September.
As one of the 48 selected shortlist proposals this proposal has been accepted as one of 23 Follydock structures to be built during the architectural biennaleThe proposed structure would be built by stacking railway sleepers to create a free standing dome, with one door way to enable the public to enter the interior space of the structure.
Technical Details
Exhibition Images of finished work

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